
Welcome to the Apache Haus - Your place for the Apache Server and Modules on Windows

The Apache Haus is a community of webmasters, developers and hobbyists who prefer using the Apache Web Server over IIS. Whether for business or pleasure, the use of Apache on Windows is steadily gaining and we hope to see the trend continue by offering people a place to come where they can get help and share their experiences using Apache on Windows. Our forums provide the place for people to meet and ask questions or share their knowledge concerning the installation and operation of Apache, as well as helping them keep up to date with the latest technologies.

Please note that the Apache Haus is not affiliated with, or endorsed by, the Apache Software Foundation. The Apache HTTP Server, Apache, and the Apache feather logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.

Server powered by: Finetworks Ay

Written by Mario   
If you need to contact us write an email to info@ and we will answer as soons as possible.
Apache Haus project is still on hold
Written by TrustyHausBot   
Sat, 29 Jun 2024 13:49:32 GMT
Like stated before due to personal reasons our project is still on hold. For security reasons we removed the outdated httpd Apache versions. You can find 100% compatible versions at Apache Lounge who are our friends. We will keep the modules downloadable.
We keep you updated.

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Apache Haus project is on hold
Written by TrustyHausBot   
Mon, 27 Feb 2023 07:56:26 GMT
Hi all users,

do to personal reasons at least for now our Apache Haus project is on hold. So no new updates are coming from now on. We hopefully will return in future. Forum will be kept open normally and also previous downloads will be kept available.

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Release of Apache 2.4.54 Updated OpenSSL 1.1.1s, 3.0.7 or LibreSSL 3.6.1
Written by TrustyHausBot   
Sat, 05 Nov 2022 15:56:37 GMT

This release includes:
APR Version:        1.7.0
APU Version:        1.6.1
Brotli Version:    1.0.9
Expat Version:    2.5.0
Jansson Version:    2.14
Libcurl Version:   7.86.0
LibXML2 Version:    2.10.3
LUA Version:        5.2.4
NGHTTP2 Version:    1.50.0
OpenSSL Version:    1.1.1s, 3.0.7 or LibreSSL 3.6.1
PCRE2 Version:       10.40
SQLite3 Version:    3.39.4
ZLib Version:       1.2.13

You can get your copy of the new Apache HTTP Server from our [url="http://www.apachehaus.com/cgi-bin/downloa...

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